Youtube is a great way to promote your business through videos. In order to post videos, you’ll first need to setup a Google account. It is recommended that you create a separate Google account for your business.
Steps to creating a YouTube channel:
Follow these steps using a desktop or laptop computer for best results.
- Even if you already have a personal Google account, it is recommended that you setup a new Google account just for your business. Simply visit and click the ‘sign-in’ button at the top and then click the option to create a new account. You’ll then be presented with a few screens to create a new account. Be sure to use a very strong password when creating your account.
- Now that your Google account is setup, go to Youtube and click the upload video button at the top right of the screen. (Looks like a video recorder with a + symbol.)
- Because you don’t already have a channel, you’ll be prompted to create a channel. Give it a name (you can use your company name or any name). Note that the name you provide will be publicly visible. After the channel is completed you can cancel the video upload if it asks you to upload a video.
Now that your channel is created, you can now upload videos by clicking the same video upload button. Depending on the size and length of your video, it may take a while to upload. While uploading, be sure to leave the screen open or the upload will cancel.
Looking for an alternative to Google?
Some people are not comfortable with Google’s privacy practices. A great alternative to Google is Vimeo and SproutVideo. While not free, these services provides businesses with excellent privacy controls and more importantly, ads are not displayed before, during or after your videos.
More support for youtube can be found here: