Updraft Plus is the backup tool that I recommend for making your own backups of your entire WordPress site. It’s always a good idea to make regular backups of your site if you are not on one of my maintenance plans that provides regular backups for you. (Even if you are, knowing how to make your own backups is never a bad idea!)
In this short tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of using this backup plugin. This tutorial assumes that your site is already setup and configured with the Updraft Backup plugin. If not, you can download the free Updraft plugin or purchase the pro version of the plugin if you need more options. As always, reach out to me for assistance or if you have questions.
While Updraft will store your backups on your web server, I highly recommend downloading your backup files as outlined above so that you have a version you control since hackers could potentially delete backup files if your site is hacked. In addition, if your site is large, keeping tons of backup files on your server could result in increased storage fees from your hosting company.
Have questions? Reach out to me. I am happy to help.